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Наши проекты

Программное обеспечение OBJECT CONTROL

Программное обеспечение OBJECT CONTROL

Мобильный программный продукт Object Control для мониторинга предметов залога был разработан Компанией ИНВЕСТ КРЕДИТ КАПИТАЛ (www.iccapital.com.ua).


Развитие культуры финансовых отношений

Культура финансовых отношений - это синергия общечеловеческих и духовных ценностей, которые должны быть положены в основу деловых отношений, строящихся на взаимном уважении участников финансовых отношений и исключающих злоупотребление возможными преимуществами со стороны кого-либо из участников таких отношений, а также уклонение от взятых на себя обязательств, поскольку такае финансовое поведение неизбежно приводит к обоюдным потерям субъектов финансовых отношений.


Страховой агрегатор FinBest

Онлайн-маркетплейс FinBest – ваш персональный гид по online страхованию.

finbest logotype color

ФинБест – онлайн-маркетплейс, где для удобства пользователя консолидированы страховые предложения от лидеров финансового рынка. Здесь пользователь имеет возможность выбрать автоматически отобранный на основании критериев, заданных через систему фильтров, финансовый продукт и приобрести его онлайн в режиме 24/7.


Наша команда инноваторов

Nikolay 2.fw

Николай Короленко



Наталия Завистовская

исполнительный директор

Елена для сайта

Елена Штефан



The mobile software product Object Control for monitoring of objects of pledge has been developed by the company INVEST CREDIT CAPITAL (www.iccapital.com.ua).

 oc logo

Object Control  is based on the author’s «Method of fixation the objects for establishing its authenticity» protected by the Patent for intellectual property No 115690 issued on 11.12.2017

On Object Control for banking institutions


The meticulous attention of the National Bank of Ukraine to meeting requirements of Order of the Board of the NBU No 351 “On approval of the Regulations on defining the amount of credit risk under active banking transactions by banks of Ukraine” of 30.06.2016, which regulates the procedure and periodicity of inspections of the availability and condition of the pledged property becomes more meticulous because of numerous facts of dishonest and fraudulent actions with objects of pledge.


Solutions for 100% identifications of movable and immovable pledged property are reached by means of the innovative mobile application Object Control.
This convenient and easy digital product allows to identify on-line and off-line all necessary parameters of objects of pledge and excludes any fraud with such property as well as corruption associated with human factor.
The software product Object Control is designed for banking institutions, who care about the quality of the credit portfolio.
As of the present day, there are no analogues in the market.


Logo Banking part  simple to use
Logo Banking part  affordable
Logo Banking part  does not require any additional personnel       
Logo Banking part  does not require from the employees involved any special qualification, knowledge or skills, as it can be used by any employee, who has a mobile phones with the operating system Android or IOS.

 About Object Control for insurance institutions


Object Control allows to exclude fraudulent actions with the insurance object both at the stage of concluding an insurance agreement, and in the process of loss settlement, giving the possibility to identify full name of the executor supporting the respective transaction, exact time of examination of the insurance object, its location and other unique parameters of the object at the time of working with the insurance object.


The mobile software product Object Control is designed for sellers, insurance brokers, average agents and clients.


Logo Insurance part fast and easy formation of insurance agreements, which terms envisage photographing or other fixation of insurance objects

Logo Insurance part efficient support of the process of loss settlement.


In the mobile application Object Control the process of fixation of insurance objects is realized so that make impossible any fraud at insuring any material objects. It is ensured by means of generation of a unique code for each object with further storage of the digital information protected from editing on the server.



Тэги: INVEST CREDIT CAPITAL, Object Control, monitoring of objects of pledge, periodicity of inspections of the availability and condition of the pledged property, fixation of insurance objects

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