20.01.2016 under every assistance and in the partnership with Ukrainian Mediation Center the concept and strategic vision of LLC “INVEST CREDIT CAPITAL” have been implemented in Financial Mediation Center has been created.
Making comments on the event Galyna Yeryomenko, Head of Ukrainian mediation center attached to Kyiv Mohyla Business School stated: “Domestic financial market has fallen into profound crisis with occasional irreconcilable conflicts between its participants, often resulting in business destruction, loss of good will, clients’ portfolio quality deterioration along with increase in financial institutions’ toxic assets number. This market demands fresh unconventional approaches to manage such disputed situations to prevent them from coming to no return point.
Financial mediation center was established to meet the challenge. Its team consists of professional intermediaries, experts certified in accordance with “Business mediator” program Wirtschaftsmediator/in (IHK) (Ukrainian mediation center and Academy of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce of Munich and Upper Bavaria) being good in understanding the nature of conflict.
I strongly believe that with the advent of Financial mediation center Ukrainian financial market has got a company the mission of which is to create the platform for civilized communication of the parties to financial conflict and to solve disputable situations with financial mediation tools“.
Commenting upon the event, Mykola Korolenko, Financial Mediation Center Director who was mastermind of specialized company creation with the aim of financial market activity, emphasized: “It is particularly topical today when the country is faced with financial crunch. With ever increasing frequency we observe conflict situation when financial institutions’ clients join litigation standing their grounds in the dispute and financial institution in its turn, defends exactly opposite point of view. Though both parties adopting high profiles on the issue quite often forget that in majority of cases the conflict has arisen not through their fault – it is often caused with global reasons, for example such as universal financial crisis beyond the control of any of the parties. In such a case it’s necessary to come to understanding of the both parties that time and finances spent to court proceedings can be used much more effectively, i.e. to earnings and profit receipt making it possible to recover expenses from experienced conflict.
At this instant Financial Mediation Center offers assistance to parties to dispute in voluntary seeking for mutually beneficial solution avoiding conflict escalation and expenses for judicial and enforcement proceedings. Successful financial mediation is not just about harmonizing conflicting parties; it assists the client to keep positive credit history and financial institution – to retain the client as quite a lot of funds were spent to land it. It is the client which has produced returns and which finally will advise this financial institution to the others, and nobody has invented more effective tool to attract new clients as recommendations.”