Davos communication forum. Results

On September 4th, there in Kyiv took place Davos forum of Communication on Top/WCFDavos, the topic of which was "New Communications: government, business, media, innovation" brought together representatives of international companies, foreign politicians, prominent Ukrainian government officials and leading local experts, uniting their answers on the question of how effective communication helps to find interstate understanding, understanding between government and business, between different parts of society, and to understand what is the key to effective dialogue and what can help to facilitate communication at all levels, making it a driving force for mutual understanding and qualitative transformation.
The organizers of the forum formed a goal as the need to unite in the fields of Government Relationship and Public Affairs, including business owners and company executives, who believe in the strategic value of communication.
Director of LLC "INVEST CREDIT CAPITAL" Mykola Korolenko, who also took part in the Davos Forum on Communication on Top/WCFDavos, except for the estimation of this collection as outstanding event of extreme importance, it was said that communication on the sidelines with representatives of Ukrainian business demonstrated not only irresistible desire of domestic businessmen to be a driving force of qualitative transformation of the state, but, despite the outstanding optimism, there were underlined some signs of emotional emptiness when performances of foreign colleagues caused admiration from the level of interaction between the government and communities towards a qualitative reform of society and performances of Ukrainian speakers testified that Ukraine has long way to overcome to civilized society.
By sharing experiences with colleagues from work forum Korolenko Mykola said: "It was nice to meet at the forum with Executive Director of European Business Association Mrs. Anna Derevyanko, who said that the government is gradually becoming more open, which is very helpful in lobbying the interests of Ukrainian business. For the LLC "INVEST CREDIT CAPITAL", as a member of the EBA the optimism of Mrs.Anna is significant, as is encouraging that our company voiced and supported by other members of the EVA requests to the authorities can be received constructive response.
I sincerely impressed by the speech of Ambassador of Israel to Ukraine Mr. Bilotserkiy Eliab, who said that the main principle of information security of his state is the true informing of citizens about everything, even sensitive enough to the community themes. This approach is intended to demonstrate that the government trusts the citizens, and they, in turn, have every reason to believe in the government's ability to solve a painful problem for Israel society, but in general the correct performance of the Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, who pointed out that domestic businessmen believe that he is the most advanced economy minister all-time modern history of the Ukrainian state, Mr. Aivaras Abromavichius, who noted that the success of Ukrainian reforms need clear information policy and frank conversation with the business, said that while contracting decisions made in favor of different groups of influence, passed, and urged businesses to come with their problems, making concrete statements about them and offering solutions pledged to recall those unsuccessful attempts, which personally I resorted to sending letters with proposals designed to simplify life for domestic business and make a push to the economic development of our country, to the various government agencies and in return, instead of "frank conversation with me" received formal reply in standard template prepared by the clerk with a huge and long experience of the state in which I was thanked for concern and reported that this issue should engage anyone, not only their establishment ...
And though my thoughts were at least far from victory, but we must faithfully work every day creating new quality standards in the work, respecting our client and informing them of the benefits of working with us and the risks that may arise in the course of our cooperation to create one the necessary critical mass, which will inevitably generate new demands of society and the state and its "hired us' representatives, politicians and government officials."