INVEST CREDIT CAPITAL participated in the work of a round table in the topic: “CRs in Ukraine: challenges, possibilities and outlooks”

According to Law of Ukraine №71 dated 28.12.2014 “On introducing amendments into the Tax Code of Ukraine and certain legislative acts of Ukraine concerning the tax reform”, starting from 01.07.2015 the requirement of mandatory use of cash registers (hereinafter – the “CRs”) will extend to single tax payers of 3rd group, and from 01.01.2016 to single tax payers of 2nd group (save for those tax payers who sale goods in markets and through mobile network means).
For the purpose of ensuring communication between government authorities and businessmen, on 15.06.2015 the European Business Association held a round table in the topic: “CRs в Ukraine: challenges, possibilities and outlooks” with the participation of representatives of the Supreme Council of Ukraine, the Ministry of Finances of Ukraine, State Fiscal Service, relevant business associations, entrepreneurs and public organizations. INVEST CREDIT CAPITAL was represented by its Chief Accountant Oksana Voytenko.
There was a truly constructive discussion, which aim was developing practical solutions addressing problems related to CRs. Government authorities and businessmen came to a common understanding of the expediency of strengthening control over cash circulation and creating equal conditions for carrying our business by all economic agents, although many questions as regards of norm of cash registers introduction still remained unanswered.
INVEST CREDIT CAPITAL has its own stand on the issue of using cash registers. The necessity of control over cash circulation in our country does not give rise to any doubts, and is a matter of great importance and urgency, as a receipt for tax purposes is not an efficient tool of business monitoring, but also an instrument of consumer protection, nevertheless, mechanisms of implementation of such control evoke grumbling and sometimes resistance of businesses as today there are more innovative products serving this goal, which are less expensive, more mobile, and could be the optimum solution for single tax payers of 3rd and 2nd group.
INVEST CREDIT CAPITAL is convinced that joint work of government authorities and business structures shall develop towards searching for innovative, handy and economically attractive methods of control over entrepreneurs’ activities.